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   Author  Topic: Mapping a Virtual COM used on Bluetoth Serial Port  (Read 6628 times)
Mapping a Virtual COM used on Bluetoth Serial Port
on: Mar 6th, 2007, 7:51am
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Good Morning, i'm develope an app between to devices using a serial port over bluetooth. The apps are programed on Superwaba in the 2 sides (Palm OS Lifedrive and on Windows XP pc). The problem i get is in the Windows XP side, the buetooth connection in the pc side, its using a Bluetooth USB Dongle, the manager of the BT dongle not let me change the serial port used (COM15) and the Superwaba App on pc only permit to use the range between COM1 y COM9. For this reason i was wrote on the Superwaba newsgroup, and somebody told me about the Serial Port Mapper App. I'm interesting in use the app inside my app code. The application  is my final project (Thesis) for obtain the Computer Sciense Title in the Universidad Central de Venezuela. I dont have money to buy the license, but i asking for an Educational propose license to the University use.
Can u help me with the app and the options to acquire an educational license?
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Re: Mapping a Virtual COM used on Bluetoth Serial
Reply #1 on: Mar 6th, 2007, 8:11am
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Thank you for your interest in our solutions.
Yes, sure. First of all, you need to apply here:
Awaiting your reply.
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Andrew Scott

Re: Mapping a Virtual COM used on Bluetoth Serial
Reply #2 on: Mar 22nd, 2007, 7:59am
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Thanx for the answer, i'm interesting to realize a test of the app using serial port mapping in front of the tutors of the project, with that test i can explain they why the use of serial port mapping is important for my project and for other projects on the university, but my trial time has expire, how i can extend the trial just for demostrate the use of serial port mapping to the teachersHuh.
How money can cost the educative license? to propose it for the teachers?
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Re: Mapping a Virtual COM used on Bluetoth Serial
Reply #3 on: Apr 5th, 2007, 12:25am
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We've sent you special offer a few days ago by email.
In any case, here is information for schools and educational institutions.
Accredited educational institutions can now purchase our products with a 30 to 50% discount off the regular prices.
Please refer to
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Andrew Scott

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