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   Author  Topic: spm api  (Read 5717 times)
spm api
on: May 3rd, 2012, 7:50pm
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I am attempting to use spmapi.dll, and am have difficultly with even the basic PortsAreEnabled(), EnablePorts() control functions, and the GetMappedCount(), GetSwappedCount()info functions.
I call the DLL and get results. The windows app says mapper not enabled and shows two ports mapped.  SPMCmd.exe says not enabled and shows two ports mapped.
I want to be able to replicate using the spmapi.dll .
For example, PortsAreEnabled() sets BOOL to a 1, and returns value 1.
Are there any documents or examples of code that are available?
My actual project is building a VB6 interface to this dll.
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