FabulaTech Forum Newbie

Posts: 2
Re: I must be missing the basics
Reply #2 on: Sep 22nd, 2009, 8:44am |
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Sorry, I'm not a programmer. What's the Serial Port Mapper shell? I use a software program called Trilithic Model Two Toolbox that came with the meter. Normally I connect the meter to (physical) COM1 on the notebook, select COM1 on the software, click OK and the program indicates the connection is OK by transferring some data to the notebook. If it doesn't connect, it displays "Failed! Please check the connection!" FWIW, there is no COM port setup available in the program other than to select COM1 or COM2. I just tried a different brand of meter that uses HyperTerminal. Same result. Connect meter to com1 set HT for com1, works fine. Connect meter to com1, use mapper to map com2 -> com1, set HT for com2, doesn't work. Remove the Mapper setting, select SWAP, select com1 and com6 (available in the drop down list), change HT to use com6, doesn't work. Seems like I'm missing a fundamental point of how to use Mapper.