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   Author  Topic: Serial port mapper vs. virtual serial port  (Read 5840 times)
Serial port mapper vs. virtual serial port
on: Jun 8th, 2008, 11:30pm
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Hi Fabula.
I have just got Serial port mapper, and have had virtual serial port for year(s)
I would like to have these 2 tools to cooperate properly, and it works when I install the mapper, but I have troubles when I restart my computer.
Say - My virtual serial port pair is:
On my Serial port mapper, I swap
I have 2 application, that communicates with each other on the RS232 line:
Application 1 - Communicates with COM1 (hard coded, cannot be changed)
Application 2 - configuret to communicate with COM8
This works perfectly when I just install the serial port mapper.
But after restart of my computer, following happens:
The swap COM1<-->COM7 is no longer visible, and these ports are currently not swapped.
By trying to swap these, I cannot find COM1 in the list of possible com ports to swap
Only by uninstalling the serial port mapper, and subsequently reinstall it, I can do it again
- Anders
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Re: Serial port mapper vs. virtual serial port
Reply #1 on: Jun 10th, 2008, 2:04am
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Hi Anders,
Really, that's bug and we've reproduced it.
We'll release new version of Serial Port Mapper very soon.
Thanks for your assistance.
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Andrew Scott

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