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Posts: 2
Close procedure
on: Apr 12th, 2006, 10:58pm |
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I developed a GPS application written in Delphi but I have problems of communication with USB emulators. I Try Serial Port Control v1.4, it seems to work perfectly. I work with your example TinyTerm.I put a simple form with 2 buttons and a TMemo. With Button1, I send a sentence to the port where a GPS is connected. Parameters in Open procedure are 57600,N,8,1. If communication is OK, GPS answers a sentence with serial number. With button2 I stop the test with a simple procedure called Stop_Test : FTSerialControl1.Close; TTY.Lines.Add(' Test finished...'); No problem... when i use button1 followed by button2. One second of delay and it's OK. If I call Stop_Test in FormClose evenment, same thing... I have a problem when I want to close the port by program. Basically when I have anwser of GPS, I close the port. In a FTSerialControl1CommEvent procedure, I recover anwser of GPS and I call Stop_Test. When I make this, application is freezing... What is the right way to close the port by program ? Many thanks. ( sorry for my bad english !!!)