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OLE lDispatch exception code 0 from FTFPC
on: Apr 27th, 2012, 10:36am |
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I am trying out this control using MS Visual Foxpro on an XP machine. Four lines of code and two problems thus far. The ActiveX control was dropped successfully on a form. The first two lines are changing the properties in the control. 1. The above OLE error is thrown on the SetSettingsFromString() function. 2. GetLastError() is return True, rather than a long. THISFORM.FabulaTechControl.Enabled= .T. THISFORM.FabulaTechControl.portName= 'COM1' TRY THISFORM.FabulaTechControl.SetSettingsFromString('2400,N,8,1,P') CATCH lnError= THISFORM.FabulaTechControl.GetLastError() ENDTRY