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   Author  Topic: VBScript Examples  (Read 5988 times)
VBScript Examples
on: Feb 4th, 2010, 11:28am
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1. Is it possible to get some vbscript examples?
Last Edit: Feb 5th, 2010, 5:39am by infotech IP Logged
Re: WriteArray troubles in VBScript
Reply #1 on: Feb 5th, 2010, 5:40am
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Here is your code with a couple of remarks ( they are marked with !!!):
Dim objFTPort
'Dim arrCmd
'arrCmd = array(CByte(0), CByte(16), CByte(2), CByte(0), CByte(1))
Dim Arr(4)
Arr(0) = 0
Arr(1) = 16
Arr(2) = 2
Arr(3) = 0
Arr(4) = 1
Set objFTPort = CreateObject("FTSPC.FTSPCControl")
objFTPort.PortName = "COM1"
objFTPort.BaudRate  = 2400
objFTPort.DataBits  = 8
objFTPort.StopBits  = 0 '!!! <--- =0 - one stop bit, =1 - 1.5stop bits, 2 - two stop bits
objFTPort.Parity    = 0
objFTPort.FlowControl    = 0
call objFTPort.Open()
If objFTPort.IsOpened Then
   call objFTPort.WriteArray(arr, 5) '!!! Use "call" if you want to use "( )"
End If
'call objFTPort.Close()
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