Serge Frost
FabulaTech Forum Full Member
Gender: Posts: 169
Re: Server Installation generating infinit Printer
Reply #1 on: Nov 22nd, 2012, 7:02am |
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Hi, We are more than interested in resolving the issue you encountered. Please send us the following so we could investigate it more thoroughly: 1. System information files from both computer where Scanner for Remote Desktop is installed. To get system information file you need to do the following: Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Information File -> Save. 2. Memory Dump File. You mentioned that your server crashed. I suppose it was a BSOD. In "Windows" folder you will find "MEMORY.DMP" file. Please upload it to our FTP server: And let me know the file name. You can contact me via email: support@fabulatech(dot)com Thanks. Looking forward to your email.