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   Author  Topic: How to connect 2 laptops + 2 hot spots ?  (Read 4320 times)
How to connect 2 laptops + 2 hot spots ?
on: Dec 12th, 2019, 2:24pm
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Need a tutorial about how to connect both setups below by internet:
- a Windows Hyper Terminal to be connected to some COM port of its host laptop, which by its turn is connected to the internet by a smartphone hotspot;
- a second setup which is exactly the same above.
I suppose that FabulaTech's Network Serial Port Kit (NSPK) is required for this purpose.  
Some key points to be covered by that tutorial:
- how to find / set the correct IP address to each setup in the NSPK ?
- (if necessary) additional FabulaTech products required.
Thanks in advance!
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Re: How to connect 2 laptops + 2 hot spots ?
Reply #1 on: Dec 13th, 2019, 9:40am
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Thanks for the interest in our product and your request.
Let's summarize:
You want to redirect your physical serial port (device on it) from the local to the remote side with help of NSPK.
You are connecting to Internet through smartphone on both sides.
For serial port redirection you must have a network route between both sides.
In case of router you can (create the rule) configure port forwarding on it (forward TCP port (33600 by default) of NSPK from Internet IP of the router to LAN IP of your PC).
As I know there is no possibility to create the same rule in case of use smartphone.
My apologies but you can't use our product without network router between both PCs.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: How to connect 2 laptops + 2 hot spots ?
Reply #2 on: Dec 13th, 2019, 1:04pm
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Anyway, thanks for the answer, Sergey.
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