FabulaTech Forum Newbie

Posts: 2
Re: "Missing Hardware id" message
Reply #2 on: Jan 18th, 2005, 3:14am |
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on Jan 17th, 2005, 9:29am, Andrew wrote:Actually NSPK virtual serial ports are created constantly while NSPK is installed on computer. Apparently you get this popup message because your communication application tries to open COM port via NSPK but NSPK can open remote COM port when remote workstation is running only. |
| OK, agreed. But unfortunately NSPK does not resume communication with remote workstations when the power up. I checked, and there are no ports created in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SERIALCOMM when workstations are not up. The only way to get things working again is to reboot the server (tough thing to organise) or delete and re-create all the mappings when all workstations are up. The best thing would be for NSPK to create the ports and just retry the connection to remote host when com ports actually open (and return errors to windows only then). Is this doable? on Jan 17th, 2005, 9:29am, Andrew wrote: We will thing about how to resolve this problem in the next program version. Meantime you could try to restart your server when remote workstation is running only |
| We're still using 4.3 (you sent us downgraded license key) because 4.6 locks up our server on any com port activity. I suspect that dual CPU has something to do with this. Do you have ETA for the new version and will it fix the freezing issue?